New Toy

My camera has served me well.  I have taken thousands of photos with it over the years.  Kids, flowers, cars, kids, pets, skies, kids, stop motion, holidays, art, kids…  I am not sure when I started fighting with it, but I know it has been going on for a while.  It would pass through where it was to focus, the range of colours it liked became more and more limited, edges in the images started to show flare.  I would go out, take photos and I would spend more time cursing, threatening, and growling than anything productive.  The children found my rants entertaining and my eldest would happily tell me that my camera was crap, because telling me that was always so helpful.  My dearest asked me if it was time to replace the aggravating visual documenting device.  Usually I can find multiple reasons not to spend money, but this time I said yes.  So, my birthday came early this year.  Two weeks ago I would argue with my son that my camera was not crap, that it was only aging and getting a bit grumpy (kind of like me so there was empathy there).  Now, I am in agreement with my son, the old camera wasn’t crap when I bought it but aged itself into crappiness.  The new camera is Awesome.  It has spent more time in the hands of my son, this time with him telling me how great the camera is, then in mine but he has read the manual so I don’t have to. DSC_0260

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