Silver linings

I am a lucky person.  I think I have the best mother-in-law in the world.  My mother-in-law does little things that make my life easier.  While we were away she cleaned and defrosted my freezer.  She volunteered to, if you can imagine that.  When we got home I had a freezer that actually had room to put stuff into.  The unfortunate thing was it hadn’t been plugged back in properly and much of what was left was in a questionable state, which had to take a dive into the green bin.  I had multiple bags of frozen berries (raspberries, blackcap raspberries, blueberries, strawberries) that were still cold but no longer frozen.  I couldn’t refreeze them and I couldn’t bear throw them out.  I dumped them all into a big pot and measured out a whole bunch of sugar and cooked them.  Some of it I turned into pie filling and the rest I turned into jam.  The pie was pretty tasty but, the ‘rescued berry’ jam is awesome.  I have never made a cooked berry jam without using pectin.  It even set.  So from an unplugged freezer I now have more room in my freezer then I have had in at least ten years and I have some fabulous jam I would never have made if not for the situation.

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