Archive For The “Uncategorized” Category
I don’t keep up with all the things that go on in the world of politics. I know enough of what is going on and enough of what I would like to see that I feel confident in my choice when I vote. So I am admitting I am not politically savvy. That confession done…
We have been experiencing our first dustings of snow the past couple of days. The air is cold enough and the ground is frozen enough for these first sparse flakes to stay. What I love about being out early(-ish), when the ground is powdered with snow, is the evidence of the invisible, the things and…
There was a definite bite in the air when I walked my dog this morning. The air was that beautiful clear you only get when it is several degrees below freezing. Why is it when it is cold out our faces produce stuff to freeze? My eyes run. My nose runs. If I attempt to…
The sky was so amazing on my drive back home from the Handmade Market. Huge clouds tinted pink on the bottom, massive dark clouds with snow streamers, snow flakes spinning in the air making everything look dream-like, and the wind making everything move, sweep, swirl, dance, and tear. I desperately wanted to capture the beauty,…
I had a friend in university who when faced with a deadline would have an uncontrollable urge to clean her personal space, and everyone else’s space if they would allow her. It wasn’t just vacuuming and dusting, it was the cleaning to end all cleaning. Grout was scrubbed, ceilings washed, windows taken apart to get…
Sometimes, when I am walking and I am not thinking anything specific, my mind floods with things to contemplate. Some of the thoughts bandying about in my skull this morning were: nature vs. nurture and the things people say, stupid or otherwise, about that; whether each different culture has a different genetic map that lead…
Do you ever have a day where you feel you left some vital part of you still in bed? It is not even ‘waking up on the wrong side’. No matter how deep you dig you just can’t find that usual part of your personality. Today I seem to have misplaced my sense of humour….
I am in the midst of preparing for my first Christmas Handmade Market (November 22-24, Fielding Estate Winery, Beamsville). I am not exactly sure what to expect with volume of people and setting up space, but I still have a couple of weeks to prepare. It is a bit of a learning curve on many…
Well, I have now been to New York City and I had the opportunity to visit both the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the MoMa. It was very fun to have some complete art geek moments and see some of the art I studied up close and personal (much to the consternation of those set…