Archive For The “stuff” Category
I took my crew to the ROM to see the tattoo exhibition. The information, history, and art presented were fascinating. It very much felt like the tip of an ice-burg of information. One of the things that caught my eye was the tattoo art on silicon body casts. I took down the name of one…
I have been shy for my whole exsistance, but I sort of forgot about it. For the past multiple years I haven’t had to step out of my comfort zone, too much. I forgot how paralyzing it can be. I forgot how awkward I can be. I forgot how shaky I become. I forgot how…
Nothing says christmas like Nine Inch Nails… How about some festive Metalica… or maybe some Ministry happiness. I am not absolutely positive why, but there are very few christmas songs I like (there are even a few that I will cover my ears and LA LA loudly at until I have got myself a safe…
In the spring I got a tattoo. It was tattoo number three, but it is more obvious than the previous two, and has received more attention. The design evolved from a doodle, and once it became a full drawing I figured it was one I could live with on my skin. I know that the…
I find that I sometimes miss people that are no longer in my life. Through death, distance, busy-ness, and misunderstanding they are gone or rarely seen. There will be times when I see, hear, think, experience something that will bring a specific person to mind that will have been interested in, given feed back on,…
Music is such a subjective thing. My children and I have a running …I guess it is a joke. Where some of them like to booby trap me into listening to music I would rather not hear. I entertain them by my over the top reactions (I think their favourite is me ‘la la la-ing’…
What is it about vacations that as soon as you are home they become a hazy memory? My husband and I are celebrating our twentieth anniversary this year. To mark the occasion we spent several days touring and camping, just the two of us (a very rare occurrence). We discovered we still like each other…
My mom had emergency brain surgery on Friday to remove a tumor. Needless to say the weekend was a bit of a turmoil. Amazingly, she is now home, functioning as her normal self, and is as fine as she is going to be. The beginning of a new journey. I think, no matter what…
Say there is a pile of cheese sticks on the floor, and on the wall next to the cheese sticks is an artist statement saying that the cheese sticks represent the decline of the North American diet. The size of the pile indicates the expansion of the collective waistband, its position on the floor communicates…
When I walk the dog in the morning I watch for birds. Not the ‘binoculars around my neck tromping through the bushes’ watching, but the ‘glancing around and eye-to-the-sky’ kind of watching. I have seen all kinds of birds in the cemetery. Some permanent residents, some just passing through. This summer there has been a…