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I just finished reading a book. It wasn’t a book of substance. It was purely entertainment. Nevertheless, it got me thinking about prejudices and how subtly they are communicated in so many aspects of daily life. This was the second book I read by the same author where there were slights against people that were…
If I am completely, mathematically honest with myself, I am middle aged. If I make it past 90 (with brain and body still functioning at a life quality level) those are bonus years. I can only speak for myself, but I have found being in my forties a very reflective time. My teens were fraught…
I have been thinking about stereotypes lately. One of the stereotypes I have been thinking about is that of the mother. I am a mother, so I guess I can be a voice of experience. There are several different mother roles: overwhelmed/end of her rope mother; super mother; the archetype mother (I am thinking the…
I have a very clever dog. She is another character in a house full of characters. She has perfected the boneless dog flop that some how makes her immovable from the best and warmest spots. She takes advantage of the fact that I only ever sit on the front edge of my seat. The empty…
I am one of the many that experience wintertime blahs. It is hard not to fall into the greyness that can be winter in central Canada. The doldrums start in November, temporarily usurped by the self-imposed panic of Christmas, and once the Christmas clean up is finished, it gradually settles over me. I battle it…
I have been thinking. Maybe the use of the word ‘artwork’ is meant to make the art more accessible. The word ‘work’ adds a commonality to it that ‘art’ by itself might not have. Everyone has to work. Although, my husband thinks that ‘artwork’ is a more complex word than ‘art’, thus more elitist. It…
“The artworks are fragile”. This phrase was part of a sign in a large provincial art gallery I visited this week. I thought the word was bad enough singular, but now it has been pluralized; pluralized and used in a sign posted in a major art gallery in a major city. I visit galleries…
Artwork- a word that drives me buggy. There is stonework. Things made of or built out of stone. There is woodwork. Things made of or built out of wood. There is metalwork. Things made of or built out of metal. (Maybe you can sense where I am going with this). There is brushwork. The way…
My last post got a lot of action in the spam realm. I kind of found it fascinating. I am not sure what it was that triggered the mighty spam producing machine to target that particular post. That was one of the things that caught my interest. The other thing that I found interesting was…
I have been ill. Nothing big or scary, just a kidney infection. Never-the-less, it has been incapacitating. I am not a good sick person. My preferred method of dealing with being sick is to ignore it. I figure if I ignore it, like all annoying things, it will go away. That occasionally works. When it…