I decided to tackle the accumulation of dust bunnies that had grown around my children’s bedroom. Dust had grown in size and quantity and I was becoming worried that they were going to become sentient, exclaim they were an autonomous collective, and were laying claim to these lands. I also decided that I would do some instructional vacuuming, thinking that maybe underneath things didn’t get vacuumed because no one realised it being something that was necessary…so back to the story…
I was getting ready to vacuum around my sons’ bunk beds, making note as I moved it that it was perhaps a little shakey. I thought that the bed just needed some hex key tightening, but I was wrong. One of the corners of the bed was trying to emancipate itself. Flashing through my mind was, ‘Argh! The bed could have collapsed and greviously injured my boys, argh! (lots of arghs and exclamation marks). I was done with instructional vacuuming, it was time to rescue my sons from certain death.
Elusive hex key hunting, incorrect tool retrieval, correct tool retrieval, mattress wrestling (evil futon heavy floppiness), bed wrangling, dismantling, hitting a few things with a rubber mallet (because hitting things with a hammer is fun), adding hardware, remantling (if it isn’t a word it should be), more bed wrangling (the joys of working in tight spaces), mattresses (harder to put back on than remove). Ta da, children rescued from certain death, and I got to use a hammer.