Social destruction

Facebook is evil. (How’s that for an opening line.)

Facebook is an evil construction designed for the dissolution of human interaction.

That statement was brought on by irritation.  I do have a Facebook account.  I signed up when my eldest decided to check out going to school and he felt he needed to join.  I gave him my permission with the caveat that he friend me.  I have kept it because it is my only connection to two or three people that I have no other viable communication with.  That being said… I probably only access it a dozen or less times a year, but I receive no less than four emails a day generated by Facebook.  “There are 4 new notifications…” “Do you know…”  Attempts to manipulate me, nag me, into further use.  I have heard from multiple source that employers keep an eyeball on employees or potential employees activities on social network sites for appropriateness of behaviour.  I recently learned that not having a presence on social networks can also be detrimental to employment.  So… one needs to spend time interacting with others through their computer regularly in a societally acceptable way so that they can be judged for their worthiness  for employment, cliques, educational opportunities whilst being targeted for ads, apps, and/or cyber bullying.  We are encouraged to spend time with eyes glued to a screen remotely interacting using acronyms, emogies, animations, selfies, and a sprinkling of words instead of communication through inflection, gestures, expressions, posture, modulation, proximity, and vocabulary.  Humans are social creatures.  Social networks are artifices creating the belief that we are connecting but really isolating ourselves and reducing interaction to individuals and their electronic devices.

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