There are times when I think I am too old or too young to think, feel, experience something or other. I am trying to learn to stop doing that to myself. In a way age is irrelevant. You are never too old to make a mistake, say the wrong thing. Having more life experience doesn’t make us less likely to screw up or even know better than to do whatever it is we screwed up. Age certainly gives us the benefit of experience. I know that the tattoo I chose to get this past spring I will never regret, that might not have been true if I got one when I was twenty. I had to have the chat with myself that I wasn’t too old to get one. There are days that I think I am too young to feel the aches I experience, too old to puddle jump, too young for old lady whiskers, too old to reinvent myself. I know it is not my age that holds me back but my own worries and insecurities. On most days I know this, but it is February.