My last post got a lot of action in the spam realm. I kind of found it fascinating. I am not sure what it was that triggered the mighty spam producing machine to target that particular post. That was one of the things that caught my interest. The other thing that I found interesting was the posts themselves. Most were a series of poorly constructed statements strung together. The statements made it obvious the post was not read and that the statements, even though written in English, were not constructed by an entity or person that spoke English. I am sure with some research I could be enlightened to the constructs of spam production and its purpose, but what I can’t get my brain around is how spam creates any business for the creators of spam. Yes, I read all of the posts because of my curiosity about the why of them. It would never even enter my mind, ever, to click on one of the links. I can’t fathom anyone ever clicking on a link from spam. I guess I am not their targeted demographic. Although, the same cannot be said about the music in the grocery store…